About Us

Santronix is a leading IT Solutions software company established in year 1995 offering wide range of software applications and services in the field of web applications, ERP Software, mobile applications, E-commerce solutions, Web Hosting services, SMS solutions, IVR solutions and Accounting Software. Our decades of experience in the technology field has poised us to avail unique services alike web assets management, technology infrastructure management, backup solutions along with video analysis services.

We at Santronix are proud to have client base with services delivery span of over 10 years and we do look forward to expand horizons further in niche areas like live business applications, API based transaction processing, Voice solutions, SMS solutions, Account and taxation compliance applications along with mobile apps. Our strong fundamentals in technology field has positioned us amongst very few distinguished fast growing companies with unique USP of service quality and cost competitiveness. Our ideology of keeping good user first approach positions us amongst highly preferred software development companies and cheers us to avail best of technology implementation and benefits to every aspect of application we work and develop.

Software technology development team succeeds its work profile with its clientele retention ratio and team Santronix proudly acclaims to have industry’s best client success and holding ratio through its zealous services efforts and faster response to every perspective. Variety of work area and domains added with inspirations from our board and work culture, we strive to achieve best of customer satisfaction and choose best technology tools to offer solutions and post sales service.

The quote ‘Journey of thousand miles begins with single step’ nicely abbreviates our team principles and cherished learning from every execution to mark best of professional experience in every work we do. Our team comprises of experienced and professional resources with diversified technology learning and good user understanding. Our research and development team constantly endeavors to evaluate upcoming technology fields, updates/ key challenges in existing technologies, market segment needs versus solutions, solutions requiring automation with business intelligence in addition to constant surveillance of security concerns and threats arising every day through cyber world via technology platforms.

Our core principles of creativity, communication and consistency (3C) added with multi-technology knowledgebase, modern user interface, better requirement understanding and above all ability to deliver solutions within given milestones excites us to grow bounds and offer our team members rewarding opportunity to work and plush infrastructure to innovate and excite themselves best of business process knowledge. Team Santronix initiated with a very small software development setup is continuously expanding its infrastructural facilities and technology assets to usher in new dawn of software, internet and mobile solution services.